These angels in my life manifested for a purpose. I am intent to be faithful to that purpose
community improvement
Simple? It should be!
Simple, vague or decontextualized words and deeds are not simple, vague or decontextualized if applied for the good and well-being of others.
Guns – let’s do something
It is time for all of us to pledge to make the changes needed.
Raising Young Citizens in the Age of Columbine
Healthy children (physically, mentally, educationally, financially and socially) are good citizens. Healthy children are our future.
How to leave a “Columbine-world”
We are now over twenty-three years post Columbine. My journey continues
Personal responsibility in our community
Getting involved in our community in some tangible way is crucial for positive change. Change will only occur when citizens commit to get involved in the issues in their community.