I am convinced that we are never really done “parenting,” even for folks without children or with grown children.
love for others
My Children’s Children?
My Children’s Children was therefore chosen as the title to give a voice (sometimes more of a shout!) on behalf of my children, my grandchildren, my patients and their children, and all children.
“Light-bulb” Moments
Epiphanies, revelations, or “light-bulb” moments are sometimes easy to recognize but, more often than not, are only noticed after the fact.
“With malice toward none, with charity for all”
Lincoln knew the only way to rebuild and move forward, was to accept the common responsibility for the problems of the day (“with malice toward none”) and work together to improve from this time forward (“with charity for all”).
“You’ve got a Friend in Me” – Woody Rides Again
“You’ve got a friend in me” only works if we accept the responsibility that goes with it.